Manage User

Add, edit and delete user

This section is accessible by main menu (ref 1) and presents the list of all the user of the platform, having or not a pending invitation

Edit a single user by using the Edit menu available inside its actions menu (ref 2) from where he can also be removed from platform (menu Delete, definitively, this action is NOT reversible)

Is also possible to perform Group association or User deletion to more than one user per time: when the checkbox are selected (ref 3) a footer is shown (ref 4) with some actions you can apply to all the selected users.

Add a new user

An admin or any other user having access to this section (more about access section in Manage Roles) can add a new user using the procedure (ref A) to generate a new user profile

User profile

When the admin creates an user (ref A above) or edit his profile (ref 2 more above) he is going to manage his personal information: the user type, the authorization over machine groups and his company information

User type

The Type of user can be just Admin or Standard.

When type is Admin user has full access in every section, item or area of the platform, including permanently deleting entities.

Differently, when type is Standard, the user needs to be assigned to one or more Groups along with a role as shown here below.

Save button must be clicked to make the changes permanent.

Group authorization

Group authorization is only for Standard user and is based on Device groups and User roles. You need to create at least one Group and one Role before creating a Standard user under your organization.

More that one Group/Role couple can be create, but everyone is unique! It means that a user may have only one role on every single machines group.

Existing Group/Role couples can be delete using Trash icon (ref. B) on the right. Group/Role Creation and Deletion is immediately applied to the user profile

Company information

These are company secondary information, not strictly necessary

Click Save button to make this edits permanent

Last updated